Family Blueprint New Testament #3: John the Baptist is Born!

(A bee helps us to understand that we are created with a purpose to serve!)

Weekly Scripture:
Luke 1:57-80

“John the Baptist is Born”

Created for a purpose.

Live the Lesson: Bee with a Purpose
Open with a joke about bees such as “Who is the bees favorite singer?” “Sting!” or “What kind of bees hum and drop things?” “A fumble bee!” If you can catch a bee in a jar or find a video online about bees, that will only add to the effectiveness of this object lesson. Here is a video with Africanized honey bees landing on tickle me elmo and then elmo chooses to visit a European bee hive the next time.

Now many of us believe bees really do not have that great of a purpose once we have endured a sting by one of them. When a bee flies close to us, the only thing we view them as is a pest that may sting us. However, bees were born with a purpose greater than to just make honey for your biscuit. Bees are what cross pollinate our flowers and are greatly responsible for the fruit and vegetables we have to eat. A bee is constantly working for the purpose it was born to serve. It knows nothing else. If a simple honey bee was created for a purpose to serve, how much more were you created for a purpose? The difference is that a bee never questions its purpose, it just serves it. You however, can question your purpose and refuse to serve it. If bees are responsible for the food we eat, then you need to understand that you have an even greater purpose. Today, will you submit your life to God, the very life He gave you, and surrender to serve His purpose for your life?

Memory Verse:
“So the child grew and became strong in spirit.” Luke 1:80a

Dear Lord, please help us to comprehend Your purpose for creating us and help us to grow strong in spirit that we may serve You.

Living the Life:
This week share with your children how they can grow strong in spirit and discern the purpose of God for their lives.

Copyright © Family Blueprint and Precepts for Children 2002-2007
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  1. Hi Julianne,

    Thank you so much for the visit last week on our blog. We would like to thank you for your prayers too. Were doing fine here, things are slowing going back into order. DS, his neck & back are fine. My back & neck are still healing. Were taking baby steps right now.

    Boy oh boy, I enjoyed reading your post. So full of life & the neat experiments too. We'll be back for more special time with your spiritual lessons.
    Blessings from our Home to yours,

  2. I linked your post my SSiC. I hope that is okay.

    Blessings my SSiC
    In HIm<><

  3. I am sooooooooooooo glad you are one of us. [0= You could always post the same thing on HSB as you do here. [0= You are such a blessing my SSiC. ((hugs))

    God Bless my SSiC
    In Him<><

  4. Neat devotion :) I was thinking Bee Happy for some reason.

    Do you mean you have a homeschoolblogger blog now??



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